Use "effigy|effigies" in a sentence

1. Burn a person in effigy.

2. The president was burnt in effigy.

3. Protesters unveiled an effigy of the mayor.

4. In his absence, an effigy was burned.

5. The coin bears an effigy of lincoln.

6. The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president.

7. Can you imagine, then, burning an effigy of him?

8. This effigy is decorated with old newspapers and firecrackers.

9. Faithful citizens, we burn this effigy of the tyrant!

10. The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.

11. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob.

12. On board, they tarred and feathered an effigy of the President.

13. They'll burn you in effigy under the coconut tree of freedom.

14. 10 I could not even bayonet an effigy of Kaiser Bill convincingly.

15. Why is there a clay effigy of me on your coffee table?

16. The only possible explanation is that they are holding a wooden effigy.

17. During the war, the president was sometimes burned in effigy in some cities.

18. Knocked from its invisible supporting cradle of needle-thin tractor beams, the effigy swayed.

19. He gave me a toy coffin with an effigy of my mom inside it.

20. During the annual Pope Day at Newport and Boston, crowds burned the pope in effigy.

21. The lid of his now-gone sepulchre remains, a marble piece with Grifo's carved effigy.

22. The effigy features a pronounced lower lip, and may be a close likeness of Edward.

23. In 1983 the descendants of these owners of geese were to burn the local conservationists in effigy.

24. The florist’s waxed Bedeckings; memory, fugue, effigy; memory only, fugue in manuscript only, effigy only, these she knows; the memory of what was possible weighted down crushed corns of conversation, the prothalamium scored on a priceless vellum silent

25. In this era, the duchy coined monies with the effigy of the emperor and Greek inscriptions.

26. The alabaster effigy of John Penny dates from 1520, although his original tomb was replaced in 1846.

27. On top of the pyre is an effigy to signify Holika who tricked Prahalad into the fire.

28. After the auspicious period of Navaratri, today on Vijayadashami, we have the tradition of burning the effigy of Ravana.

29. There he lay, in knightly stone effigy, with a row of eight knights in stone cartoon-strip below him.

30. There are numerous harvest customs throughout this country and abroad, and some involve burning the straw effigy of such a figure.

31. A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars(, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.

32. Candidates who wanted enclosure were burned in effigy, their supporters wheeled about in muck-carts in the robust eighteenth-century fashion.

33. The mob had already burnt in effigy Andrew Oliver and his new stamp office before doing some damage to his house.

34. The Smithsonian Institute surveys a 1,350-foot long, three-foot high effigy mound built in the shape of a coiling serpent.

35. 16 A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.

36. 23 Candidates who wanted enclosure were burned in effigy, their supporters wheeled about in muck-carts in the robust eighteenth-century fashion.

37. We have to be money changers of our own representations of our thoughts, vigilantly testing them, verifying them, their metal, weight, effigy.

38. Kashmiri protestors burn an effigy of Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah during an anti-India protest in Srinagar on August 20

39. And revenuer Baccates, salt-fish, lilac-coloreds, oil-cake, pitwood, effigy, potatoes and other roundelays.Gerber babies pictures rapeseeds are also mutagenic.The gerber babies

40. With the sky still aglow at 11 p. m. on Midsummer Eve, Danes build bonfires along the shore to burn effigies of witches, banishing evil spirits from the land.

41. Brasses, MONUMENTAL, a species of engraved sepulchral memorials which in the early part of the 13th century began to take the place of tombs and effigies carved in stone

42. Quibus officia, instrumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modo luculentissime describuntur, sed et per effigies Adjunctis latinis germanicisque appellationibu ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint

43. Georgii Agricolae De re metallica libri XII : quibus officia, instrumenta, machinæ, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia non modo luculentissimè describuntur, sed & per effigies suis locis insertas Adjunctis Latinis Germanicisq́

44. Afterimages: Five horror stories unfold when a group of artists burn paper effigy cameras as offerings to the dead and receive a collection of horror films i

45. Interesting features include the woodwork of the screen, the 15th-century font, Elizabethan altar rails, Jacobean pulpit, and an early 17th-century monument to a man and his wife (recumbent effigies on a tomb-chest).

46. Mound building was continued by succeeding cultures, who built numerous sites in the middle Mississippi and Ohio River valleys as well, adding effigy mounds, conical and ridge mounds and other shapes.

47. Edward was buried in the shirt, coif and gloves from his coronation, and his effigy depicts him as king, holding a sceptre and orb, and wearing a strawberry-leaf crown.

48. Some Kuman effigies were soaked in Nam Man Phrai, a kind of oil extracted by burning a candle close to the chin of a dead child or a person who died in violent circumstances or an unnatural death.

49. De re metallica libri XII.: quibus officia, instrumenta, machinæ, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modò luculentissimè describuntur; sed & per effigies, suis locis insertas, Adjunctis latinis, germanicisq́ue appellationibus, ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clariùs tradi non possint.

50. This group includes the Flying Apsara (Hiten 飛天), the Celestial Maidens (Tennyo 天女), and the Bosatsu on Clouds (Unchuu Kuyou Bosatsu 雲中供養菩薩).Famous effigies of the latter, from the 11th century, can be found at Byōdōin Temple 平等院

51. There are pebbles from special rivers, seeds, nuts and dried fruits from distant jungles, tiny wooden effigies, carved bone figures to keep away evil, Buckbeans to nail over house-doors to keep off the evil eye, charms to ward off or provoke spells -- just about everything except aspirin or sticking-plaster.

52. Nicholas.4 There is in a Canopied niche on the south side of thechancel of Dunster Church a recumbent effigy of a ladyattired in the costume of the thirteenth century, and itis probable that she was the wife or the daughter of oneof

53. Many supporters and journalists blamed him for England's elimination and he became the target of criticism and abuse, including the hanging of an effigy outside a London pub, and the Daily Mirror printing a dartboard with a picture of him centred on the bullseye.

54. If you love me then, You're better off without me, You're tearing me apart, Like a heart on a birthday card, If you remember before, Rain came knocking on the door, And lightning struck me to the floor, You're burning me, Like an effigy, I love you Bitterly.

55. On his right side of the soul figure is an incomplete, easily carved nude figure without the head and legs, but represented only with the breast and enlarged hips and two of such effigies are hung, on the left side, a full figure of a man with his head upside down, but basically carved with an Avowen intention to highlight the hands is hung.

56. On his right side of the soul figure is an incomplete, easily carved nude figure without the head and legs, but represented only with the breast and enlarged hips and two of such effigies are hung, on the left side, a full figure of a man with his head upside down, but basically carved with an Avowen intention to highlight the hands is hung.